- Cron <root@falcon21> /root/mrtg.sh
- cp: `user_prefs' を stat できません
- Not using downloaded remi-safe/repomd.xml because it is older than what we have
- gdm conflicts with xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.19.5-5.el7.x86_64
- rkhunter チェック 2020年2月8日 午前 10:27:37
- /etc/cron.weekly/geoipupdate
- Blocked access
- Postfix SMTP server: errors from unknown[]
- Out: 220 mail.falcon21.space ESMTP unknown
- Rootkit Hunter Warning
- [abrt] httpd: httpd killed by SIGSEGV
- Logwatch httpd
- Blocked access from
- ERROR: Can't get information about database.clamav.net: